Eyebrow transplantation

Eyebrows are the frame of our face. They play a very important role, emphasizing mainly our features and eyes. As a result of periodic fashion trends, eyebrows can be placed in different shapes. It is because of these temporary fashion trends and the thinning of the eyebrows over the years that the result of a frown and a stricter look appears. To solve this problem, our patients often resort to filling in the blanks with permanent makeup - tattoo. All performed procedures on the face require great precision of execution. It often happens that the desired natural effect of the eyebrows is not achieved and therefore, we recommend a procedure - Eyebrow transplantation.

Application of eyebrow transplantation

Трансплантацията на вежди е процес на прехвърляне на здрави фоликули от донорска зона на веждите към приемната такава. След като сте избрали желаната от вас форма вежди, ние препоръчваме да направите консултация с нашите специалисти. Заедно с вас, те ще изберат най-добрия подход и стил на оформяне на вашите вежди. Средно около 3 месеца след изпълнената процедура за трансплантация, веждите започват да растат, като най-видим е ефектът след 7-8 месеца. След този период вие ще можете да оформите вашите вежди в напълно нова визия.

Предимства на трансплантацията на вежди

Eyebrow transplantation allows patients to stop using makeup and undergoing permanent pigmentation to fill in thinned eyebrows. The advantages of this procedure are that it can be re-applied if necessary to achieve greater density. In this direction, you can be sure that your eyebrows will be positively affected, will be restored and will have a more natural and beautiful look.

Why choose Eyebrow Transplant?

Possible problems with thinning eyebrows or hair can be purely genetic problems that have nothing to do with fashion trends. The eyebrow transplant procedure uses the hair transplant technique, which is the most natural and practical solution to the problem.
